Our Mission
With the focus on fair trade, where our coffee comes from is important, but what if our trade was more that just fair? What if our coffee did not only support the local farmers but also the land that supports them and the wildlife in the region? Wyld was created to do just that. Every time someone buys a bag of Wyld Coffee we plant a tree. We’re turning a daily ritual into an opportunity to make a difference. Join us in our Wyld ambition to change the world. One bean at a time.

One tree planted for every coffee
Wyld Coffee has partnered with Forest Planet Org. A not for profit organization whose mission is to provide fair wage employment to impoverished villagers as agents of global forest restoration. The trees planted by their program helps provide a habitat for animals, purify water sources, control flooding and erosion and to help replenish the soil with nutrients needed for farming. Furthermore, they help local villagers by giving them income by planting trees so that they can provide for their families and contribute to their communities.